Acronym |
Definition |
5-FU | 5-FluoroUracil (anti-cancer drug) |
6-MP | 6-MercaptoPurine (anticancer drug) |
6-TG | 6-ThioGuanine (anticancer drug) |
A/O | Age at Onset |
AA | Anaplastic Anaemia |
AA | Amyloid Associated |
AAC | Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy |
AACE | American Association for Cancer Education |
AACR | American Association for Cancer Research |
AACR | Australasian Association of Cancer Registries |
AAIR | Age Adjusted Incidence Rate |
ABBI | Acute Breast Biopsy Instrumentation |
ABC | Advanced Breast Cancer |
ABC | Activated B Cell |
ABCC | Ashland Bellefonte Cancer Center |
ABCCC | Alexian Brothers Cancer Care Center |
ABCD | Asymmetry, Border, Color, and Diameter |
ABCD | After Breast Cancer Diagnosis |
ABCL | Acute Basal Cell Lethality |
ABMT | Allogenic Bone Marrow Transplantation |
ABPI | Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry |
ABTA | American Brain Tumor Association |
AC | After Chemo |
ACB | Alberta Cancer Board |
ACCC | Association of Community Cancer Centers |