Acronym |
Definition |
!WXT | The FLOAT device-independent X coordinate of the right edge of the plot window |
!WYB | FLOAT device-independent Y coordinate of the bottom of the plot window |
!WZT | FLOAT device-independent Z coordinate of the top edge of the 3D plot window |
.NL. | Not Less Than |
1GL | First Generation Language (Machine Language) |
2GL | Second Generation Language (Assembly Language) |
3GL | Third Generation Language |
4GL | Fourth Generation Language |
AA | Acquired Attributes |
AAA | ASCII Adjust after Addition |
AAAA | Academics Activities Assembly Advisory |
AACATK | Assembly Area Counter Attacking Force (NATO) |
AAD | ASCII Adjust before Division |
AAD | Alter All Data |
AAD | ASCII Adjust for Division |
AAM | ASCII Adjust after Multiply |
AAO | Add And Overflow |
AAS | ASCII Adjust after Subtraction |
AASC | Assembly of Agency Staff Committees |
AASDA | Asante Akyem South District Assembly |
AB | Always Blur |
ABA | Add B To A |
ABPA | Air Booster Pump Assembly |
ABUL | Assembly of Bargaining Unit Leaders |
ABW | Array Bounds Write |